Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year

UPDATE: Jonathan's birthday was December 12th. It all went very well and we had lots of fun. I made a cookie monster cake because a story is told that at two years old Jon's mom made him a cookie monster cake, when they lit his candles he freaked out and started crying, "Don't burn cookie monster!" They had to take him out of the room and blow out the candles. They couldn't eat the cake because he didn't want to eat cookie monster. So as a very funny joke I made him a cookie monster cake again. It turned out really well and we really enjoyed each others company while we celebrated and ate cookie monster. And he did let us light the candles and he did blow them out all by himself.

I had my wisdom teeth taken out on the 23rd. All went well, the recovery was quick and almost enjoyable because I was able to spend time with family. It was however much much more painful than I would have ever imagined and I did loose some weight because I was put on a soft food diet for about two weeks which really limits the food you can eat!

We had a wonderful First Christmas together. We enjoyed the gifts that we received and enjoyed even more the reactions from the gifts that we gave. Santa visited us both :) We both are so grateful for the opportunity that we have to be part of a bigger family and all of the fun that it entails.

Our New Year was a wonderful one. We both of course made our goals for this year. My biggest one is to be a better house wife. Make the dinner, keep the house clean, and do the laundry. While keeping up on my work and myself.

We are excited for this New Year and are really excited about celebrating a year together next month!